Wednesday, April 27, 2011

yet I penetrated one old

I believe the power of God, fresh air and the Law (2-1) [Resources / Web Editor / Lily] relating to the power of belief in God and food Qi (2-1) 8/21/2008 International Symposium (in English) namely the power of God Fresh atmosphere and the Law (1) 2008.8.21 International Symposium (part abstract, without the relevant celebration for verification purposes only) Master: There are not fresh air alternatively no? I mean seriously, would you still ambition apt be fresh air who? we entirely do not dine edible, right? The point is, we have enough food, for the whole grains for person consumption into the world with only a four percentage of the soybeans. Even whether you do not eat, the number namely not a lot, so you eat body needs, not also much apt control your eating, you can eat everything, do not eat too much, not favor with this tray filled with a mountain of food, if always you tin eat, it can be, If you are skillful to eat, all right, I just do not want you to consume food. did mushroom the price of living than we understand much extra almost it. the world's folk still starving, food is not enough, not because they take it to feed the starving caused along not enough food, not the case. you do have relief, a million human here, where hundreds of thousands, merely not a permanent solution, it is best not to keep anyone cattle, person, and humans ambition be able to keep food to eat, do not need to sell the beef manufacture, it is the best. (insert public service: a little) Master: I have some sad things every day, the birds appearance ... ... When I was in the Himalayas, while I saw some apes They come down the mountain to leave their habitat, excavating down in the avenue mall afterward to the litter to eat, my center is very sad, that even before that I have not enlightenment, it was still wading in the all edges of India to quest enlightenment, I look to monkeys hungry favor that. ordinarily they in the woods, eating fruit everywhere, they drink the water flow, I consider so, I imagine they live in the forest, there are abundance of fruit to eat, they definitely do not work to the market eat garbage, even garbage is not much to eat, they pillaged everywhere, I saw so sad. Recently I in Monaco, so wealthy city, I penetrate a lot of seagulls and birds, they pate out into the trash in the park , looking for leftover food, case in point: remainder sandwich, then eat, if you ascertain the nice. I am always quite sad to witness the way people remedy each other,toronto escort, manipulation of animals. I live in Florida, the One period the waitress brought out, because they want to eat French fries, yet I saw one antique, very age, Tuo Zhebei work, and he is turning litter, he took out a quarter glass of Coke began to drink, he has been looking for Is there leftover sandwiches and so aboard. I looked beautiful sad, I even wail, fair so shocked! so sad it! so I took him to the canteen and asked him to eat behind dinner I gave him about four or 5 hundred greenbacks, and then we left. not that valuable cafeteria, anybody can invite these meager antique people to eat a repast, you may only spbring an end to ... to ten dollars or 5 dollars only. So if I can do to ambition phone them and point them someone to eat, or they beat him out, and they even wanted her out, merely I stopped, I said: greeted her. . When she eats someone, like a long time not seen the food, and it makes me see actually sad. and monkeys, birds and manifold animals are hungry, starving people and animals, is because of the harsh earth of karma mode, so only this, because this is not the Garden of Eden, not everybody ambition absence to take care of every additional in others. I believe that these people have to work a entire lifetime, or at fewest working lifetime, However, as the situation dictates, leaving them lost their families. Sometimes when you lose your job, it will too lose their homes because you can not disburse the money in season every month, you may pay a month late, I do not understand how long they will let you owe However, over time, if you do not pay money, they'll rotate you out,aesthetic and fashionable. In the eyes of foreigners, and take everything inside, and you do nothing, is it? Sometimes the situation. If he was launched, or cancer for too long so, he will lose anything and then chance outcast, a human may like this. in some places set up homeless asylums ZF does invest basic attention, but not each place, and maximum of them were full, and not easy to obtain, and you can not reside long, you must find a job presently. but ordinarily you lose the house, will lose their jobs, because you do not address, you can not write homeless not work if you can not detect work, even ask the house, so it would vicious wheel. Sometimes we are elated attach, I forget these asset, but at night I was alone, they will meditation of these situations, consider of all the hungry animals and people, I feel very sad. We do not treat every other, not neighbor Ethical Treatment of Animals. If we really want to have a merry and a peaceful globe, we can not do that. So sometimes I do not know the intellect of human creatures and their motifs, I do not comprehend the operation of social systems and policies throughout the world, each nation a little morsel alter in some countries than in other, but you are still in the richest countries will find this problem, people have no house, no location to work, resulting in fragmented families, kid because of homelessness and hunger, can not go to educate and so on. occasionally see these people very uncomfortable, I equitable attempt to do it, but not enough , is the world system problems, this is not a unattached an or 2 cases, but the entire system problems. I only hope that one daytime we can return to the excellent fact I am, to show their greatness, and perhaps society will be better, that time can not only share their food, but likewise share it with technology to aid people assist themselves. If we do not eat pork, the world has already convert better, become extra compassionate society, the whole system will be different, will be change people's intellect will change, the plan will alteration the world, we can help each other, such philanthropy is not limited to food distribution, but also to share technology, seeds and other things, all the resources and protect the earth, so that everyone opportunities to use to help themselves, I think we all like to depend aboard their own, and do not want to just take relief supplies in refugee camps, or live in dirty, no water, no food place, await fhardly evermeone another each day to charity, Not everyone wants to live so, so there is no reputation. Therefore, the system have to change, which may begin from a vegetarian, because if people want to retention the planet, save the animals, it will have compassion when compassion enveloped the earth, the energy will completely change, people bathed in this air. they think will be different every day, practices will be different, the idea will become more clear, then they will think of a better system, also know how to belong to the people's wealth and delivery of resources to go out. Source: 2008.11.18 announce the benefits of a vegetarian vegetarian on the human body does not reason anemia: two hundred forty-nine priests, only five people undergoing from anemia, but five of the anemia is not a element in food , but their suffering due to gastrointestinal disease or parasites. vegetarians will not malnutrition: Professor Chen groups of vegetarian and mutton or fish for identification of blood proteins and found that the mean meat or fish is from 6.1 to 11 g; vegetarian who was from 6.6 to 8.8 grams. with the latest equipment hardened, center disease or hardening of the arteries occurs. ordinary blood cholesterol in the second milligrams following are considered natural, but the lower the better content. The examine results, one mean of one hundred fifty-eight vegetarian milligrams cholesterol, the average Hun Shi for milligrams. Hunshi are more general partly fundus retinal sclerosis: The test result, vegetarians are sixteen percent had hardening retinal fundus, meat or fish are hardening ratio is as lofty as forty percent. Friendly Tip: Invite friends start a vegetarian! 『pure alphabetical vegetarian: contains no beast along joining green food』!! save the planet!!! Vegetarian - vegetarian send harmony in your body will let Psychosomatic light and happy. because vegetarian, and my heart did not kill the sense of guilt, so no stuff when it is all effortless vegetarian psychological nature. long-term vegetarian, people have to enjoy the excellent benefits of a vegetarian diet. * 1 kg of meat = 36.4 kg of carbon dioxide. prefer vegetarian cheap carbon way of life,toronto escorts, make a contribution to alleviate global warming! I do not worry about vegetarian nutrition, health, how to do? Click here to give you the respond will make people healthy vegetarian rejoice the mind the noble spirit of Dr. Han Dingdun University of British Columbia on human intestinal Road to the anatomical thinking, he pointed out in the report: Where carnivores, and their intestines are short, the large intestine is straight and smooth. where vegetarian animals, large intestine small intestine length and long. because the meat fibers fewer, not slowly digestion, so the meat animal intestine short. but do not digestion vegetation fiber, you absence to slow absorption, so vegetarians intestinal length. our intestines are five meters long, if the meat, then meat will linger too long in the intestine And in a way on the human body toxins, amplify the burden of liver and kidney, and the cholesterol and saturated fat of meat can cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. You can say that meat is the erasure of the body's own harmony offender. a lot of scientific research shows that vegetarians have help control diabetes, malignancy, osteoporosis, asthma, obesity, hypoglycemia, lofty blood pressure and gall bladder disease, kidney stones and other vegetarian - to bring harmony in your body long-term vegetarian, it has been wonderful to enjoy the benefits of a vegetarian. From a psychological outlook, vegetarian will human idea and body light and joyful. because of eating vegetarian, and my heart did not kill the sense of guilt, so no matter when the vegetarian nature of psychological all effortless. Our archaic sages have long understood this, so the morale of the saints are extremely enjoyable. Zhuangzi Yun: body. Tips: meat and disease, go hand in hand, meat higher the degree of civilization, the higher the proportion of patients, health ministries ought splice magnificent importance to these phenomena and propose countermeasures. vegetarian dwindle carbon emissions and reduce disease, Quo more self-serving. During the First World War, Denmark was federal blockade, in reaction to food shortages ,1917-1918 National 300 million people were compelled to vegetarian, accidental result is that the mortality of the population than in the past 18 years actually decreased about 34% This experiment gives us inspiration vegetarian is Veg out! just SMTV movie extract important sentence: Every five seconds a child dies of starve! billion people hungry every night to go to mattress ... ...! vegetarian food can get twenty million people! Start vegetarian, save lives today! Start a vegetarian, to provide food for the people of the world! Go Green to Save the Planet! friends you want to save life? salute to reprint so that more people can see you cared about the carbon footprint per person per annual : no meat, vegetarians can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of 1. carnivore's carbon emissions equivalent to driving motor cars and 4,758 km of middling; 2. vegetarians carbon emissions equivalent to driving 2427 km to steer a medium car, almost half; 3. vegan diet's carbon emissions equivalent to mid-sized automobile voyaging 629 kilometers, is a carnivore's seventh, less 87%; 4. Organic Vegan carbon emissions equivalent to mid-sized automobile traveling 281 kilometers, less than the meat eater 94 %; 5. Organic Vegan 94% can reduce carbon emissions and reduce greenhouse gases, Go Green, Save the Earth. to start from you and me! solve universal warming emergency, the most straight and forcible way is organic and free vegan diet! Source: Star response Copenhagen called vegetarian carbon reduction prominent artists: Gao Yuanyuan, Liang Tao, Zeng Li, Zheng Jun, Back Dorm Boys, Peng Tan, Terry Lin, Long W jointly launched the environmental public proclamation Friends of the Museum without the recommendation is still open: SMTV human renowned worldwide TV online vegetarian wise reflection click the correlate below to download Love Tip: Please choose pure vegetarian, do not use elements embodying animal productions, animals and save lives, protect the surroundings Save the Earth!! FAO: Livestock generate more greenhouse gases than a car. Please vegetarian, make a contribution to the global environment!

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