Wednesday, April 27, 2011

mountain road in the erasure of Premier Wen grasp Yujiu girls

Premier Wen's 72-hour, is to bring life and hope to hit the 72-hour, his schedule is always pointing to the Premier Wen Jiabao, the first time turn back the hangar rushed to the disaster.
12 8 pm, in the direction to the epicenter, in that the road along blocked the first period, Premier Wen put up headquarters in Dujiangyan-place deployment relief go.
Premier Wen by the end of a work is all the first time to rush to the next area, tread by tread closer to the epicenter.
14 pm, when the premier successful landing Wenchuan Airborne Warrior The newspaper of Premier Wen was the 1st aircraft straight Fei Wenchuan.
virtually always Internet users turn above the computer each day the first object the Prime Minister has the body apt look where we are. because the Prime Minister has chance the hearts of the folk of a guiding spirit of vitality and wish namely the banner.
movement quickly explicit that the fancies and the ambition of the firm. on the airplane, at the command of the shed, at the rescue scene, Premier Wen Jiabao has repeatedly accented that a work heart,toronto asian escort, that is, a trapped human. hope the efforts ambition pay a hundred times. advocate you in your own choice. ; the number of PLA crews to the digit of troops to support the hh by the time a glimmer of hope, we ambition do our utmost to achieve, never relax-h Jiabao grandfather, the children have to hold on, you will be saved. is to try to rescue shock people, surviving children surrounded the sufferers he kept passing the prowess and reassurance. a monumental elaborate, when Premier Wen Jiabao in his lecture to the victims, encourage, comfort you, he was so near a local cadres naturally hold the Prime Minister's hand approximate the back, like holding the hand of their own elders,starfish, silently hands warm from the bird acquisition strength and prowess.
Premier Wen's 72-hour, is moving to China to send solace and 72 hours.
earthquake struck, hit the globe, anguish in people. the face of the earth lifeless corpses, in the face of sadness and sighing of the affected people, the face of the helpless orphans lost their parents, even in the face Sorrow fraught the country people, how to comfort? How tin comfort? However, the face of this excellent national trauma, Wen Jiabao, gave the maximum intimate, the most powerful comfort.
looked miserable after the disaster, Premier Wen Jiabao are also many cases vertical and horizontal, with the empathy of tears on people's alarm and woe smoldering.
mountain road in the dispose of Premier Wen clutch Yujiu girls, love to kiss their forehead, as their juvenile minds heal the pain.
Wen Jiabao holds the hand of a small orphan girl, Yiziyizi said: .
Premier Wen's 72-hour, migrated all good people. equitable 2 days, at home and abroad who love money money, resistance exertion, blood money and merchandise, money donations have reached approximately 1 billion yuan moment. overseas Chinese media praised the relief effort a infrequent and conspicuous performance of the Prime Minister take the guide.
people in TV, the web saw his brow furrowed, Vibrato's lips, gray temples,toronto escort, many Internet users in the use of finger tapping with the Prime Minister of the anguished. down with anxiety, brought attach a allied resistance to the storm were extra powerful forces.
gold is in the past 72 hours, Premier Wen Jiabao are still rushing to the people, not betray.
5 月 15 日 14 时 28 分from the Sichuan earthquake full 72 hours.
comparative to gold in the 72-hour, 66-year-old Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and, afterward 7 to 9, catastrophe inspections, held 6 appointment of the State Council earthquake relief headquarters he used efficiently, speedily, decisively won the 72 hours beneath strong earthquakes in China retention the invaluable time of emergency to save trapped.
Reuters and other exotic media's assured coverage Gengrang abroad people see a good First Man Prime Image, unforgettable. (in Xin)

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