Wednesday, April 27, 2011

for the cup behind 3 extra making of materials easier apt recycle. Furthermore

Planting trees, on foot,shanghai escort, for energy-saving bulbs, rational shopping, these behaviors may appear puny, but in truth you can save the planet. In fact, mediocre people tend to underestimate their abilities.
2004 Nobel Peace Prize Winner Gary. She says: > Save the Earth does not need us to make colossal exertions, and ambition not change a comfortable life, fair that we have the following uncomplicated way:
replace incandescent lamps with energy-saving lamps to energy-saving lamps. the latter is more valuable, but the life of the former 10 times, and the energy consumption is one-fifth of the former four.
reduce trash bags that people home in constant expansion. We should bear in idea the Reduce (reduce consumption), Reuse (reuse) and Recycle (recycling ) The three golden rules of waste disposal, including the third important evolution of human society.
Spain with solar renewable energy is accelerating. wind generators have been widely enhanced. The Government also initiated the installation of optical panel in the kin , from the power company can buy the deducted cost of electricity generated.
e-waste e-waste must be handled carefully, because it contains hazardous materials. a phone cadmium batteries can pollute 600,000 liters of water. should not be arbitrarily discarded electronic productions destruction of garbage, but should be special handling.
Tim screen dressing ahead we begin the wind conditioner does no absence to think additional ways of vigor to adjust apartment temperature, for instance, joining winter clothes, summer airing skylight. summer heat, We can also use awnings, curtains and ventilation fans to pedal summer. studies show namely improving ventilation tin save heating and ventilation conditioning required economic prices and vigor expense 30%.
corner off the faucet apt retention water, carefully closed the family each tap. setup a water spray once and for all, a good way to lead.
mighty secondary mart to buy our furniture does not mean that the furniture must be current. refurbishment of furniture and shopping the secondary mall are a good choice .
less use of private motorcars to become more snug urban environment that is less open antagonists of private cars.
green car if driving a personal car is the only adoption, then we should try to choose low-energy vehicles such as mongrel fuel vehicles.
old residential housing whether you are looking for, please try to elect the hub of the city's old house. refrain as good as the crowded devise of human ecology, Mediterranean structure, and mesmerized at the layout of the North American-style lax housing. that the product of urbanization, and neighbors will make it complicated to communicate, and have to rely on private cars.
boost urban green space like a small green lung. In increase to purifying the air, it can also melodrama a role in psychological correction . Studies show that green residential space of ​​the larger, fewer discussions between dwellers. In the green space next to the walk is a good way to relieve accentuate.
reduce ruckus a tiny quieter, amuse. care not only to defend the ecological surroundings of the Earth, merely also to safeguard the health of human creatures of always species above Earth's ecological balance.
healthy distraction choices less healthy fashions of entertainment consumption. Do not let shopping desires about our will,toronto escorts, do not let it become the leadership entertainment.
cycling in urban terrain, weather and traffic permitting, to ride bikes.
and Times fix that pipe leakage failure promptly advertise the government while the mend ministry.
go out shopping with a shopping bag Do not forget to send their own bags, baskets alternatively carts.
green purchasing organic foods without the use of chemical deputies. Although Spain is the largest producer of green food, but people rarely choose such foods. should be to assist those committed to improve the ecological environment of agricultural and cattle producers.
cup receptacle when the same food is packed in glass bottles, plastic containers, aluminum cans and Tetra Pak aseptic packaging, we should buy the 1st an, because the glass later three more production of materials easier to recycle. Furthermore, it should try to choose capacity,wearing a roseate small hasty cute cute pencil pants, less consumption of edible packaging materials.
adore the small fry do not eat fish fry is a way of nourishing ecological balance.
dilute beef making 1 kilogram of meat namely the amount of water needed to produce 1 kg of rice is 10 periods, to produce 1 kg of wheat 13 times. nutritionists trust that there namely not need to eat mutton each repast, eat 2 to 3 times a week to meet the people body needs.
buy bottled water to nectar tap water for drinking boiled tap water, because the sometime is not only a garbage of energy, but also may produce packaging waste.
handy shopping if there is a small store approximate the home, try to avoid driving long distances to great supermarkets.
Oh, taken from the Reference News From Spain <> reported

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