Saturday, April 23, 2011

so-called called in rigid obedience with the procedures of pill products

Fang: Chinese medicine is a pseudo-science you of how we should face the
: Fang
distant as I know, no unattached medicine has been fully accepted such a strict clinical trials, and modern medicine (also known Some even hurrahed to me on the Internet. I do not believe there are criticisms to the interests of the readers are beneath menace of Chinese medicine practitioners, some may belong to individually experienced the benefits of Chinese medicine or for the national emotions of people believe in the myth of Chinese medicine . For the sometime, I do not feel the absence to convince them to face-lift, in fact, impossible, and for the latter, I think we should let them know some of the basic medical science notions and methods, more sober, rational treatment of medicine.
we 1st traditional Chinese medicine theory and Chinese medicine should be (and acupuncture and other traditional therapies) separated. TCM methodology antagonistic with modern science, though there are many people imagine that an day ambition be contained in traditional Chinese medicine theory technological system, even with to save the modern medicine, but that is just an illusion, I do not think it is feasible. the world's various nations (including Western National) in history have had their own set of medical theories, they have been precluded scientific system, we have no reason to believe that their nation's traditional medicine would be an exception. Science has no frames, not belong to a specific country.
but denied that the scientific theory of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine does not mean total rejection. Some therapies favor Chinese traditional therapies, favor other nations, may have its value, it is worth mining methods with modern medical research. I can not here a comprehensive medical evaluation of the right and wrong, and would just like to talk almost How to treat and many ordinary readers have a direct bearing on medicine. for ordinary readers, they are more concerned about if the health concern system is not a science, but some kind of therapy, drugs are effective or toxic side effects.
middle A mutual cause for medical barricade is that it is experience may be telling, merely also very restricted. the experience of word of mouth is constantly unreliable, embodying disloyal, exaggerated, or intentionally or unintentionally, were screened (only pay attention to the omit of the successful cases of failure cases). efficacy of many diseases can not be determined through experience and reconnaissance.
medical history in the medical case, talked about what prescriptions they once cured a patient, the patient narrated in the treatise how they behalf from their own experiences of a drug, these It seems no value in modern medicine, because the drug, the efficacy of therapy, the case is not that convincing. a patient of a drug after the patient ate well, really does not mean that drugs played a role in that . It may be self-healing (many diseases can also be self-healing did not take medication), may be the result of psychological suggestion (many diseases, a considerable portion of non-medicated patients to eat a may even be misdiagnosed, the patient had no disease. Therefore, to determine the efficacy of a drug must be done a lot of clinical trials can only be determined after the statistics. and the double-blind clinical trials must be taken to approximate that in the testing process The patient I do not know what to eat, like the exterior of drug-drug or placebo, to exclude the role of psychological suggestion; attending physician does not know which patients to eat the drug or placebo, in array to dodge subjective prejudice while judging efficacy. What Who ate the drugs, who eat a placebo control by a third gathering, open only in the terminal statistical effect. As far as I know, no single medicine has been fully adopted such a strict clinical trials, and modern medicine (also known , toxic drugs, may also be found by experience, but the side effects of those shown to be a long time to chronic toxicity, such as drug caused malignancy, liver disease, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, their experience is impossible to ascertain, we must depend on animal experiments, clinical trials, epidemiological surveys to find out. TCM although there are What kind of break caused by basically nothing. modern drugs are detailed in the description side effects, and I had taken several common Chinese medicines, have made no say of side effects, maximum in the . gentian vent medication can cause liver failure, only a renowned example, in fact, there are many Pharmacopoeia records child. I give dissimilar example, U.S. law banned the import of products containing ingredients of infrequent animals, the U.S. Fish end Wildlife Department forensic lab in the mid-90s claiming to contain a sample of 12 category of tiger bone, rhino horn and the medicine pills did not find these components, only to ascertain that these toxic elements of proprietary Chinese medicines by tall levels of mercury and arsenic was surprising, not take it. which is due to rumors that the highest levels to Liu Hai-juo Angongniuhuang Pill (also known as the bezoar An Gong Wan). Many Chinese tonic contain heavy metals, long-term use can lead to chronic heavy metal poisoning. The satire is that somebody in the service of the Chinese tonic and feel Fire common sense, do not believe in a crowd of advertising, rumors, not only can spend fewer money wasted, but also allows your body to suffer fewer guilt. Otherwise, the blind after taking the medicine caused irreversible chronic poisoning to too late. (< br> Zou Satsuki
split with Mr. Fang Zhouzi fresh, and very naive. due to the superficial talent skinny paperbacks, reading is limited, as yet, access to the paperbacks since ancient times, have not base a scholar, dare cozy to renounce Chinese medicine theory and Chinese medicine, I am for your spunk and startled!
Maybe you studied the natural sciences? Maybe you studied Western medicine? could read some Chinese books and studied Chinese medicine theory, have browsed the theory of Chinese medicine combined with modern science, but how also with less attach, and accordingly a mistrust! to easily down the conclusion! Whether you are learning something, I think you have not studied master, has not really understand the true traditional Chinese medicine theory sings! So grass The afterward commander of a that should not be put in; Western opposition to the two medical dispute, the discussion should avoid disabilities of their development, to sort out their respective advantages together; join to make it more faultless in the development of services for human health.
any he was a remedial methods has advantages and drawbacks, has his limitations, we can not only penetrate his so-called absence of, or that some drug companies of non-normal behavior, and to blame the drug fraud the range of the academic system! to make a total denial of the conclusion, and that too is too restricted, and the line and go to school, this view itself is not science, not a matter-of-fact outlook of entities, let unattended a equitable and just!
the outset that the creation of traditional Chinese medicine theory: He was two thousand years antecedent, the theory of the feudal society and its representatives to do the manifestation of ideology, the application of the method of taking the level as compared to illustrate the decrees of nature and the human body in various apparatuses of the name; and action rules, to explain the physiological activities; pathological changes.
written along the famous Han Dynasty Zhongjing The ; Differential Treatment should be equivalent to a outcome of human elicited; ailment caused fitting. how can this be said to be to a good social efficacy. If it is unscientific, no clinical long normal excluded by the society. natural science to explain, or annotate do not comprehend that it is the ?
the same for your own, you are now an achieved scholar, and then you put your neonate at the old of 7-8, the person you say naught, right?
we can not results of modern science to evaluate the theoretical system and more than two thousand years of civilization, as not Until now, why should we spend so much human stuff and monetary resources in the medical establishment so much it? instructors in these schools are ; idiot said, do not know if you noticed, in the medial 80s of final century, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Zhu Zhong-wing, through the thousands of scientific experiments to prove that the TCM theory of drugs (so-called shrieked in strict obedience with the procedures of pharmaceutical products, and made a LD50 test, pharmacological; toxicological experiment, animal experiments, clinical trials, what single-blind method; double-blind experiments have been, attained large success, human health have made outstanding contributions. LD50 test the drug by more than 300 times its customary volume for the human body without toxic effects.
also testified its efficacy for clinical use, once a patient anguish from purulent tonsils, continuous using a three-day .
This is not just the patients medical history, I have way to each of more than 18,000 such patients, efficacy is yeah, practice is the sole standard for testing fact, which fully proved that the efficacy of orthodox Chinese medicine. < br> There Ussuri River Pharmaceutical R & D Welcome, efficacy is in the affirmative. these are
say that no worth, for the pill, the effect of therapy, the circumstance is not that convincing. a patient of a pill later the patient ate well, does not average that namely actually the kind of drugs played a role. It may be self-healing (did no take medicine numerous diseases tin too be self-healing), may be the psychological implications of the results (a meaningful portion of many diseases, a non-medicated patients apt dine a had no ailment. folk, whether you work thinking this, then you are Newton, you're Madame Curie, and the antique doctor who is better than you so much!
do not know you is not been engaged in clinical, modern doctors to write When the paper is to have a decisive number of records, teamed by double-blind, they do it by starting heading is refined and tested, a mini better than papers in other exercises distinction!
me to say something to you since l r extra of the problem.
sample, a patient undergoing from a is to use hormones and vitamin B1 and vitamin B12, for the treatment, you do not have statistics ashore the cure rate using this method of handling is how much? without anyone access remedied him to acquaint you that this disease, using the methods of acupuncture over 90% cure rate, and I'm with you bet!! you dare to do?
Is there such a talk to you anew, and some Chinese enterprises to use the Qiqihar Heilongjiang Province, the second pill ?
reiterate that look br> this matter is explicit is that some manufacturers of fraud is for the profiteers are, how can you say to the Chinese medicine is not it?
l Angongniuhuang Xu
l lr contain many massive metals in Chinese tonic , long-term use can guide to chronic heavy metal poisoning. r The drug is not long-term use, please take a see at
TCM strengths, should supplement every other, the common development of Integrative Medicine, for human health services.
me give an example, the same patient, one femur 1 / 3 of patients with fractures, the Western surgical treatment, and use a fasten, steel, wire and other materials, the operation was successful, reaching the anatomic reduction, whatsoever, treatment, training of 5 months has not come down to world.
the patient two years afterward, tibia 1 / 3 fracture, after the film xray diagnosis, the use of traditional Chinese medicine manual abatement, a small splint fixation, oral medicine bone Dan l r, the results of treatment of 81 days to go.
Mr. Mariner, to see traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine is the we have to examine the reading, do not poison ah!

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