Wednesday, April 27, 2011

so bloody

Origin of the World Animal Day : ,canine and people apt near adjoin with people
100 years antecedent, the Italian missionary St . Francis of Assisi above the island in the woods and animals apt establish the relationship between brothers and sisters , he advocated in the Oct. 4 Thanks people animals . Protecting and saving infrequent and jeopardized animals, conservation, evolution and rational use of animal resources and retaining ecological equilibrium .
kids today is vacation ,toronto escort, the kids are? of lesson the lovely animals ,beijing escort!
In both Do not forget these cute elves Oh !
I have been advocating we should love animals ~ so close to namely I ought go to the zoo ~
Anyway, not to lay maniacal hands on them , so cruel ! < br> World Animal Day , and I absence to complete the 1 I always wanted to do is obtain a blog for the animals !
a meantime I'll do it !
Now, they give you some babe pictures ! < br> We remember it with the conservation of animals !

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