Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the mean period to pregnancy ambition be reduced to 6 months of Earth time

I will explain why. This explains some of the things you live with it, but, oh, they are the most appropriate next you need to know what it is. However, this whole consist in ... to tell you: you , or the so-called by the people, to create change. photon energy, my friend, once you gather it, if you know it, you know they are not forced to reception into the pipeline. you know they can not follow the lines go. It It was there, and it will do any of today's fossil fuels you can do. Oh, yeah, you can put it to use as the power of communication. you know what?
If I have time and is the need the book, I now how you will don a small smudge on your forehead, that is, the location of the so-called third eye. Then I will call you and then posted an introduction to one of the 1st back, and then join one, plus one, for ever and seemingly a laser beam bombarded from your third eye. Then I will inquire you to put it into the photon beam with energy being, and to receive and watch it go you want it to go exactly where. if you want, you can do to show it like flying to the vertical flip. want it straight into the sky and down to the basis of the tree. or will it rotate around the earth, and with friends in a speech the other side. because you need to do is just think about it, it will stream through that photon energy, and just like today's bullet train, as it is can not be stopped.
I want to tell you is that the photon energy about yourself: One day, you can skim over it and put it in the palm of beauty molded into a ball, you will be able to feel it. you will not see it, My friend, you do not see. But if you put it molded into a pellet and lifting it to his lips, kissed it with love. and then you bring it to the air, drifting in front of you, it says the eye : energy, which is love.
photon energy so that these shares, you will understand all the things about the photon belt, and its expanded form. then you will do something that I hope you do not do : Now you will want to stop all this and waiting for the photon energy, you must complete this journey, you must cleared away all the issues in their own way. But this is not to encourage people to do? I believe it is. It is the reason I wrote this book, as an encouragement, not fear.
Let me say a mini something about the photon energy. If human consciousness is conscious that he already has some thing can afford power to the calculator, power supply to any traffic you choose to have. If you already have to take you through time and space thing, but it you are completely free, then how can people do to you pedal up the cost?
Finally, what is more,toronto escort, please read this one with me when you think: if you do not fight each other gasoline productions, then maybe you will stop the war on everything.
Long antecedent, when the time has at present been measured and recorded the time, in your so-called It is now known as the edge of the earth's atmosphere outside. This does not really move with the Earth, but Earth will travel through the channel at a specific time energy. Before this, I will depict the concept of photon energy, which major part of its transformation after the use of large, and its effects on human and Mother Earth. Please come with me, let me introduce you to this great process, and to expose it is a beautiful road, and absence of fear Road.
thousands of years, although the photon energy has been seeing the Galaxy fraternity, supervised by the angel level, but the size and nature of the energy field, already can not be weighed in the human vocabulary. comesintoseffect higher This will surely coerce level that is compatible with the energy modulation to the energy on Earth. This energy modulation applied to major change, to accurate the energy to today's energy into a system which does not go. This new energy has the power to amplify life span, because its molecular structure of the human body back and so-called br> photon energy of the appearance appointment changed afresh, at fewest quadruple already. you will find it curious that someone so momentous when there are so uncertain process. The reason is easy, photon energy, the earth's population instantly affected by the arrival rate of spiritual awakening impact. Although this episode was scheduled shortly behind the centenary will occur, but the exact date is to help people rely on the awakening of the human individual, such as these to help the people of this book is so.
Mother Earth masses plight in which the senses, we could affect this schedule. Earth's dense green leaves have been removed, a lot of sand has been poured into her waterways and hundreds of tons of diplomatic objects into her atmosphere. When the Mother Earth rotation and pulse (ie her heart) to be healed, she had reason to slow down this tumble, so we can get more people ready to face the most exciting memorabilia ever.
photon energy is light
please let us that are going to come to the phenomenon, known as place. Although we mentioned is the black, but clear photon energy, in fact, is light. Yes, the true light, the essence of all Beings of Light. This is prompted by the darkness of the earth was after hours enter the photon When energy. photon energy with the outer corner of the very thick, and it shares a unique molded fashion of the energy model, therefore, to spend three days alternatively so the Earth will pass through the photon strap, into the light of photon energy.
When I mentioned the hand. emulate this stock darkness comes a chilly and can not imagine the vacancy around the world, because when the earth enter the photon belt, it is almost interdiction energy from the sun.
one through the photon belt, instead of the dark will be the sunny light. photon energy of the twenty-four hours of light will illustrate the earth, although the time of the time dimension is different from today. in a new light into the vast majority of people will The protest, because anything must change, including through updating the initial stage of the Earth's surface. those who have arranged themselves for this event for people, such as those by learning meditation mental clarity and higher vision, to make their return simple conception of people the center, so that other people will be able to follow the light. In the beginning a few days, everyone will get to know what happened in the end. in the beginning might be a morsel difficult to understand, because the earth at that time It seems so perfect. regardless of if I trust, just peruse the book and understand its notion, will permit you to establish a new life to transform the earth.
back door syndrome
Let me what I call syndrome simple: the fear of change and growth, and stick to what is known sense of security to discourage people to grab the opportunity.
if this topic has annoyed you, to explore practical reasons. a sense of security is most presumable, the vast Most people in a given period of time repeating the cardinal ingredient in pain experience. How many people you know to quit after bad in an intimate relationship, the result has a similar start another relationship? situation is the same, only face to change it. How would anyone want to repeat this thing? just like all the other issues the same. When one is to understand the real, after continual again and again will be very boring, fatuous.
observe their own lives, to watch if they are profitable as this ways to face their own tendency to major issues. You will not be a minority, because in fact the vast majority of people only to learn the smallest of the subject to cost a lot of the globe, and the rest seems I, like the use of a small number of learn to swallow as many issues. regardless of how to do, memorize this is the pretext to run their current situation. I can ensure you this will be the most ruinous deed, I like the difference among success and excellence. This fashionable evolution of the energy to send the potential growth in the early fourth factor, you will want to continue to those who have the ability to get the real experience of higher.
, of way, take advantage of the time here as much as possible is very important to learn everything, so you will share in this new awakening the energy, with the highest possible to fulfill satisfactory. then, you will not do is not a problem, because no one will no doubt Select miss this experience. The only question is, how much your current plan will be integrated into this new them. in a purely real, the will be a new awakening for many of the large number of possible default stage. the earth Before the mother of the real rose in the third-dimensional experience of repeated must be completed first.
humans in terms of their nature, they are evolving there, the experience is all about the possibility of walking in the vast journey. My friends, we must punctuate that all the possibilities. is not obliging. Therefore, in order to make the experience all the possibilities are that the quest for the complete understanding of the must at the same time, including many different levels. try to not experience a complete end to copy the shortcut, then the result is will be solid phase in the new extra burden to bear. In this new energy has to go to experience in the United States, you would not want to carry the old experience. to adopt a new enthusiasm to learn, not to have the fourth element waste of time.
display current
for high frequency photon energy than many people can habituated to the extent that it makes such a significant ideological and instantly the third element in what is possible. when the nature of human beings towards the real great transformation, many people will experience the energy of light in to the touch like a wave, or the feelings of many temporary. This stimulation may increase the awareness, delight and clear, but in reality the energy to leave the Earth after the stage when would feel kind of dissatisfied. Therefore, by meditation and thoughts at the moment in order to maintain clarity and pure, is very elementary.
ready I will mention, the reason is really to let you know the word. people ordinarily live in the past, because they do not know how to feel secure, or pretend to live in not forming the so-called disloyal sense of security in the future. with significant instant future is to focus on. For example, when you want your have to have a life, you will commonly see it as the next location. usually do is bad, because the so-called future, until it really becomes the moment In this case, the desire is not in the moment it makes more sense to create all
last note: if you shift and will be based at a specific time happened to that whole self-energy, but then it did not occurred, then what would you do? if it was to do next year or the year after? for you to achieve things that would otherwise What happens? You will have plenty of time to the end of those from your higher consciousness created by the experience, so do not take them ahead. This makes the evolution of the marrow, leaving only elevated to a new, exciting level of perceived truth of the universe. in the moment through your life, you continue to experience today's journey, and Discover when you know life is to continue to complete your current experience, the time line becomes less important. When the photon energy of the planet Earth truly integrated, all those who have completed their own experience, it has long been ready, the remaining The experience is just amazing.
attributed to reserve this simple suggestion next will be removed to reduce chaos and fear. to keep attributed to hub, so the body can raise or lower their frequency to meet the situation is happening around, because, as some of our animal friends, as humans have built-in ward mechanism to ensure the survival of the changing requirements for the perfect frequency. As time goes by, people have a lot of new levels The lust to understand has transform lax, but this does not comprise the collection of great values of money for that part. If you do not meditate, at the moment is probably a good time to start, because you will be given in the exercise of understanding for the four-body system.
think makes the conscious mused process to explicit, so that you can by their own will and his big my contacts. It also allows you to touch yourself not the other direction to acknowledge external reality, because in the third-dimensional meditative is the elite of line in nature, will make the curtain you can not see via. think, with prayers. so that you can start to clear those shutter, and apparently the experience of receiving and blending their insights. For the perspicuity of their own experience of the correction is that you take meditation and prayer can make a difference by the success of the testimony. If there is no correlate with their higher ego, you will forever see through the shutter, and nay to own a greater truth, confidence and eagerness. meditation, my friends, meditation.

acceleratiin due time in the fourth element, the photon energy will build many new, exciting journey, one of which is a measure of the time. Even in this very real, most of you have felt Time seems to be accelerating. you have not seen a material of fact, under the influence of the photon energy, time, face-lift will be complete. For example, the average human life span may be more than one hundred years, and breathing will be diluted to three to quadruple a minute frequency. For such a drastic change, how would you feel then?
when this change occurs, please understand that all third-dimensional experience, such as intimate relationships, money and government, and so, in fact, had to shut down, or need to make significant changes at many levels.
fact, almost all the entities you perceive are the frequency is to expedite the push which, meantime complicated to know life in the end you gone gone. ah, Congratulations, Now you know: this is part of the photon energy. to love yourself in here every day! love this moment. When you are nativity out of love, you do not look forward to morrow, just looking by the reality of the moment only. If you absence to dream about morrow, had a nice nightmare and enjoy it, but to live in the moment. If you do not favor to quicken their new situation, then gave his own to cut back on. to take an experience, activity it, study it, and then it be over, so you can proceed to become to the afterward experience. Everything is choice.
choice power sources
you are after hours enter the photon energy is a variety of power is not classified sources, it is independent of those who retain your current lifestyle, the need for fossil fuels and other outside power source. This is the status of so-called will not need the power source, because the photon energy will meet anybody you can collect light to energy, to provide a strong, power sources over the whole planet. At present, only a few heroic scientists to browse the photon energy, but They have not caught anybody hint.
use the photon energy does not have the money on fees because it is entirely flush. do not have the means to make it a far as his own. so. there is no individual or group can It is used as a control to the use of, or held hostage again to win the public astronomical amount. people who want to control it will have a big surprise waiting for them.
get busy fossil fuel conversion of these, you may not know how to use the result of this energy and frustration. I say again, take it effortless! The following is the movie industry who said: Please stop the Galaxy will be characterized as a demon brothers, because they will be your This new accumulation and to navigate the energy of the answer. We will consult them in elaborate in Chapter VI, it will now accept them at the peak of the helping hand extended like a.

photon energy of the positive effect of the atmosphere has been mow into your galaxy and into one. to know very well: the photon energy is not very far away. photonic band have been exposed to the outer edge of the Earth's atmosphere, not only affects your planet system, also affected the number of planetary systems around you.
Sirius Department by the photon energy with a significant impact. This is good, because Sirius will teach you the globe on their learning of the photon energy. In the past, Sirius is well known that people with a strong bombard, but the photon energy the United States are strained to their offensive.
photon energy of the Earth's atmosphere will have a affirmative effect. you breathe the air will be injected into photons, and breathing will become increasingly important, because you will be able to borrow by the crown (pate) will lead the body of photon energy as a clean use. photon energy will be one of your staple food, vitamins, one source, almost like your current health food and vitamins that.
some specific new trait is that you do not know now. For example, you will be the impact of this new energy stocks to modify its light body the energy module. you will adjust its frequency of vibration, which becomes the material level less heavy. In counting, the meditation will be different from today's appearance, it will become a way of life.
you will at some point to just absorb the photon energy to change the physical building of the frequency, and This new energy distributed throughout the body. You will be sometimes made to shirk the ailments of each organ rejuvenation, so you will focus on new, challenging experiences, such as a need to rely on the quality of the air of the new travel patterns. < br>
water purification and expansion of the photon energy will be the sea to you and your aisle have a meaningful achieve, because the energy will be sponged by water. Many kept in unclean water can not coexist with the photon energy to be absorbed by this energy. This is part of Mother Earth's own cleansing process. But this process than other alterations will come many slower, because in the past few hundred annuals, water pollution to the very kernel of the part and the ocean and waterways for healing can not be completed overnight. Although this energy is so unbelievable, some of the cleansing also absence the help of everybody.
photon energy of the water seems to expand, so it looks like you will use pile up water. But, in fact, the amount of water you drink less than now, because you are truly a way to digestion the energy of the water. In the conversion process, the photon energy will let you through the breathing, the body needs humidity Absorption come.
other asset like that, there will be a period of adjustment. However, the results would be even the most avant-garde thinkers today are filled with wonder.
human body and consciousness change will change
After this change will occur in fifteen years. old will be over even faster than today, although now the time has moved also speedily. the composition of the body due to the light, you will not attention about your waistline, because this one will not be the experience of time. You will be a completely different way to see the beauty of the whole body.
Finally, you will look like you think galactic brothers and sisters (although Your picture is based on a somewhat twisted reality). As for the person's real face, the beginning some people may be disappointed, but overall, you will love the new look.
As for the money,three-year insurance and lifetime maintenance, period in your hair, forget it it. when the need arises, you will be capable to choose their own advent, as it is to see how you just vibration. aging will be more than you can dream and more slow. can not wait for it? ? Sorry, this process is that you must be so,
use more brain capacity
as brain size increases, the skull ambition inevitably must distend. the Creator planned in advance, so that the essay of bone appears overhead such as zippers. The vast bulk of people in the waking hours using only one-tenth of the brain, there is a excellent brain volume did no use. while people and non-material reality the same frequency, it will extra those not accustom apt the more commonly used in brain capacity. In this conversion, even now the experience of folk who are committed to low-frequency, will likewise use their brain capability to sixty to sixty-five%. but they finally will increase the use of percent, this is only based on individual differences in beast fared for the photon stamina of life forms is an ongoing evolution of the vigor, it does not support the mutation of the category is no longer, so there will be numerous species tin not survive. Any evolved species will no longer will be dropped on the Earth's own level of service, because those who have reached the altitude of their own species evolved, there is no reason to exist. they will because of the density of fixed itself, yet will not be with always the dog kin cat home can be relieved because the catch and cats were left after in the learning and evolution, so they were strengthened

vegetation energy is voluntary and is situated in the plant life here, so that you intake and neat them, update the physical body. plant life is the ideal source of edible , for your Earth plane amplitude of evolution will also deal with the atmosphere of the ideal object.
who have worked hard to make himself in the sunlight and oxygen. the same plant can survive in the air who will be in a photonic energy of a soon to be enhanced above arrival, because its energy to promote the sunlight of the Earth's atmosphere. So in this plant life in the photon energy in the plant will be increased to twenty percent growth, more importantly, the plant treatment nutritional merit will be enhanced. your dining habits will change dramatically, because the vast majority of people will be the way to maintain the intake of plant life. vegetarians will be more merry, and everyone eats pork will skirmish for a while. Please remember that you own the vast majority of energy from the respiratory gas is absorbed by the photon energy, for the food needs of the photon energy can only be used for the purpose of to the nines, so it will be long-term effects for the Earth is the United States. photon energy is not as you've ever seen, listened or worked with anything, so the energy like me, the first to narrate you this level there is such a situation should be appropriate. We came to the real here and try to take you to trust them. When the passion is created when all of them will find the road leadership to one.
Q &
Q: How will the photon energy of Mother Earth Crystal?
KIRAEL: People obsessed with crystal, because they each appear to have their own individuality, feelings, and especially the way into your heart. because the photon energy itself is light, it will for a kind of crystal bring a new, bright honour. Crystal vibration will be strengthened, so even now you do not constantly interact with them, which is in essence an athletic creator of life will preoccupy you.
Q: photon energy for the mother's womb What impact do in the fetus?
KIRAEL: the effect will be very mysterious. due to fetal growth will accelerate to the photon energy in the birth of the fetus to create a more loosened this space, the average time to pregnancy will be reduced to six months of Earth time, and the individual before entering the uterus, have the opportunity to communicate with parents plan their lives. This will reduce the current level of collapse in communication, such as the child of needy parents situation. photon energy will strengthen the transfer DNA code, so even before birth can make a perfect plan executed.
still in the womb when the fetus, inner star travel (i,: ooollp, tra + oI) None of the exercises will be exceptions, must do. by solar energy, both parents and babies in the new type of travel in this together, so that after the birth in mandate to truly have a more complete fusion. will change not only the mother, because my father can travel together for a more complete and timely to cater a link to the male energy. until ahead the arrival of this energy, to be very clear that, when parents, principally fathers, should attempt to come through meditation and sleep programming in the nature of the small child. Most people will do so pleasantly wondered at the outcome of this process,toronto escort, and want to continue with the maximum feasibility that reality. well, enjoy this splendid cruise it!
Q: photon energy do affect human behavior?
KIRAEL: photon energy not only affects human behavior, but also on your body in a systematic way to use today is essentially caused by the change. In the beginning, you can up with this relatively light because the light and change their appearance. now you do stop the material density and beliefs. Once entirely partake in the shares of the new energy, a new awareness will take over, and you will have a positiveness in his new capacity. In meditation exercises, you will breathe through the thick frequency and began to learn that the angels be your level of education teachers to experience This new energy.
Q: How long will reside in the photon energy?
KIRAEL: The respond to this question may make some people feel shocked. estimated about 2 years. sound familiar? so please do not anxiety, when this galaxy, photon belt out, and now all of you will not have the embodiment of the there.
Q: Angels and Beings of Light how to photon energy used in their task to do for the universe?
KIRAEL: What a pretty issue, ah, because the angels are waiting to answer it level. Angels have been very dispersed in all real, but the vast majority can not be seen, only felt. They can This new energy to focus on their essence, so that the earth there can interact with them. In a large most of the situation, they will continue the pattern of light show outside, but the timely appearance will. because that light into the space, they will be very willing to elemental flying condition to appear. Please be insistent that they are ready to enter into the experience, because interaction is the ultimate mission.
The Beings of Light, to say nought, because it shares a new source of energy comes from light. so you can say. interaction is in between you and yourself solo, the essence of all life forms.
Q: third element carbon what is the best physical readiness usages, to the photon energy integrated into their own?
KIRAEL: The answer is simple! meditation! If meditation every opportunity to emerge addressed, please do so. Some people may think that I have been repeating, but I can tell you sure, meditation is the most allow you to enjoy This new way of energy. in a good The meditative state, you can begin to feel and learn how to interact with this energy to prepare to move forward. Please also remember the time when you meditate, This new energy is the most that can be identified.
Q: photon energy surrounds the Earth plane, which would affect the evolution such as dolphins and whales and other species of higher degree do?
KIRAEL: This new energy will begin to understand the human to the species of these lovely level of communication , dolphins and whales will also release them years to bring the vast knowledge of the new millennium. whales because of their large brain size, carrying the generations of historical facts, they also know they are human after all, was not going to come when the prey see, and begin to link the treasures they carry. bring this energy of love is real, and understanding of these biological treasures once announced, the public will be because of the value they bring them glory.
As for our dolphin friends, they would be educating them the kinetic energy is currently used by the sonar instructor. just that it should be able to create a new, more faultless way to travel, but also make everyone feel the power of self-navigation. today they would must know the vast majority of human discourse, although they present a tall amuse not to let people know it. they actually have many to give, just that they had provided self-contained branch of knowledge. Now , please understand the dolphins in the photon energy occupies a seat on the position of the magic will be exhibited at the proper time. to their present appearance to love them, protect them incentives to do so will be one day the honor of human being. < br> Q: You can mention something about the photon energy, and its energy with the linkage between Christ do?
KIRAEL: to show both how the energy prototype is alike to the main must understand at the time of Jesus are has been a no call people surrounded the nature of vibration. It shares a muscular vibration is another from the other vibrations, it has penetrated even the most massive people the ability to model, only by agreeable 1 of them can do it.
If you know when their characteristic energy use, case in point, the power generated at love (which is the strongest currently known human strength), they can only object to be compliant to accept their shock. For sample, if you love is not conveyed to a receptive individual, please know thatthis energy will not be with that human the nature of vibration resonance. This will be steering the energy of love, continue to advance according the route of its own until it finds a receiving of the stuff with a willingness to make it into the mass.
Jesus into the Master of the energy can penetrate anything. those who are experiencing pique, hate and panic aging lower frequencies do not accept the arrogant people in love and will find relaxation in the appearance so that they feel very uneasy eyes. Usually this will guide to a negate experience for the master, as when a lower frequency of operation is the individual, and suddenly must face the most mighty known to man energy, the repercussion will be.
light at the same high frequency energy, but it does not need to receive in its path has to penetrate the material mass. you know, the time when the book is close achievement , This new energy has begun bring an end to ...the earth like a wave-like. those who are at a higher level of vibration, at the ascension process, people will soon adapt to the photon energy, they will understand that this is the energy of the new millennium . those who have been people who mallet to a lower frequency, the photon energy will want to resist the need to increase so will make the conflict, gradually increasing the destructive experience.
simply, for those who have compassion with the changes People, This new vibration is flowing into them. The change is to understand that new, exciting possibilities exist. is aware of them in this, rose to the moment that is time. When we started most of mankind know a great journey, filled with many questions about the Earth plane, in fact, that is, for the awakening of this transformation.

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